Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog 12: Blogger Experience

My Blogger experience thus far hasn’t been awful, but I am not sure that I will continue blogging. I find that it is very convenient to post my homework to a blog, and have it reviewed that way, but I also feel that blogging is kind of like a journal. I think that the use of blog, not for our purposes of submitting homework, would be to talk about certain aspects of your life. And I would generally prefer to write my experiences down for me to read and not anyone on the internet.
                At first, I had some difficulties getting my blogs posted. I am still not sure what is wrong because I just tried it from a different computer and it worked just fine. So that kind of put a bad taste in my mouth for blogging because I ended up re-writing the first assignment about four times. I was a little frustrated. Since than, and now that I know not use that computer, I haven’t experienced any problems with blogging. But I am not sure if I would be able to continue with it. I don’t know at all what I would post on it; maybe I could start posting some of my writings for people to look at! Who knows…?

-Korri M. Kraemer

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